Farmer's Pride International Investiments
An Agriculture Division of the Hunter's Global Network PTY LTD
Agriculture Research
Farmers Pride International pridružio se Globalu Istraživačke aktivnosti u poljoprivredi, sada sa tehnologijom u upotrebi
Procjenjuje se da se količina znanja koju ljudi posjeduju udvostručila za manje od sedam mjeseci. Drugim riječima, za manje od sedam mjeseci od kada ovo pročitate, naše društvo će imati dvostruko više znanja o svijetu oko nas nego danas.
Planiramo implementirati Poljoprivredna nauka koja aktivno nastoji otkriti postupke koji će povećati prinose stoke i usjeva, poboljšati produktivnost poljoprivrednog zemljišta, smanjiti gubitke zbog bolesti i insekata, razviti efikasniju opremu i povećati ukupni kvalitet hrane.
Naše istraživačke aktivnosti u poljoprivredi traže načine za povećanje profita poljoprivrednika i zaštitu životne sredine. To će omogućiti potrošačima da plaćaju manje za svoju hranu i proizvode od vlakana, što im omogućava da troše svoj novac na druge stvari.
The research and development objectives, partnerships, and institutional structure of the FPI-I evolve around challenges confronted by the world's poor and disadvantaged. Today, productivity improvement and natural resource management are the twin pillars of the FPI-I research on food crops, conservation of genetic resources (biodiversity), forestry and agroforestry, livestock management, aquatic resources, soil and water nutrients, water management, and agriculture-related policies, as well as in its endeavours to strengthen scientific capacity in developing countries
The agricultural R&D world is changing, and in ways that will definitely affect future global patterns of poverty, hunger, and other outcomes. The overall picture is one in which the middle-income countries are growing in relative importance as producers of agricultural innovations through public investments in R&D and have consequently better prospects as producers of agricultural products, although the important role of privately performed R&D gives a substantial innovative edge to the higher income countries where most of this R&D takes place.
Public investment in agricultural research and development (R&D) is important for global food security and environmental sustainability. Although public agricultural R&D projects are associated with high economic returns, they are characterized by long time horizons and temporal lags. The inherent lag, between when R&D investment takes place and when it comes to fruition, implies that its stability is critical. Existing studies on the stability of public agricultural R&D expenditure are restricted to Sub-Saharan Africa and find evidence of considerable volatility in these expenditures when compared to other developing regions. Read more>>>>
FPI-I invests much of its resources in bringing good results as it implement the RUAIPP , for great results we have borrowed ideas from FAO's Agroecology Principles stated on the diagramdiagram below:
Agriculture Economics:
Throughout history and in every part of the world, innovation in agriculture has played crucial roles in economic development by increasing farm productivity, enhancing the incomes of poor farmers and making food ever-more abundant and cheaper for consumers, while reducing the demands placed on natural resource stocks. Nevertheless, governments and markets consistently fail to do enough of the right kinds of R&D (research and development)—at least if we are to believe the evidence on rates of return to research—and technological choices on farms are becoming ever-more constrained. Read More>>>>
In the late 19th century public agricultural research institutions were set up in the advanced industrialized nations of today. These paved the way for technological change and transformation in the agricultural systems of these countries (Ruttan, 1982). In the last 50–100 years, dramatic changes in agricultural productivity and production have taken place, driven in large part by investments in public and private agricultural research (Alston and Pardey, 2014). These increases in agricultural productivity have by and large occurred across the globe, encompassing high-income (Andersen and Song, 2013; Khan et al., 2017; Thirtle et al., 2008) as well as middle- and low-income countries (Adetutu and Ajayi, 2020; Fan et al., 2000; Suphannachart and Warr, 2011), and involving their respective public sector agricultural R&D organizations. Today, nearly all countries in some form or another have national agricultural research institutes (Fuglie, 2018).
Thus, public sector agricultural research and development (R&D) has played an important role in increasing agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) across countries (Fuglie, 2018; Rawat and Akter, 2020). These past patterns of growth in agricultural productivity have had important implications for food security and poverty (Alston et al., 2009a). In current times the role for agricultural R&D has expanded further. From boosting agricultural productivity and improving food security, agricultural R&D is now also viewed as a powerful means to ensure environmental sustainability and tackle climate change (Acevedo et al., 2018). The former through interventions and innovations that can minimize ecological damage while increasing productivity (Swaminathan, 2017); the latter through research that focusses on combatting potential threats and adverse effects arising from a mean rise in temperature, and also by mitigating the effects of global green-house gases resulting from agriculture (Lobell et al., 2013).
According to the 2019 Global Agricultural Productivity Report, in order to sustainably meet the needs of an estimated 10 billion people in 2050, global agricultural productivity would need to increase from the current average annual rate of 1.63% to a rate of 1.73% per annum (Steensland, 2019). Given the limited natural resources and degradation of the resources already in use (Fuglie, 2015), increases in agricultural productivity would need to accrue from intensification, i.e. by raising the yield per hectare. This makes the role of public agricultural R&D in raising agricultural productivity critical. Thus, stagnant or declining levels of public investment in agricultural R&D put future agricultural productivity growth at risk (Fuglie, 2015).
Funding for agricultural research and development (R&D), both public and private, has decreased over the years. The success of the Green Revolution may have resulted in a complacent attitude among funding agencies. Given the recognition of the need for food and the cost of research and development, most people now view this reduction in funding as a huge mistake. Several agencies, NGOs, and private sector firms are now reversing this trend. Private funding plays an important role in taking the new developments to the farmer. However, many of the breakthroughs in research happen in the public sector. An investment in the public sector is essential to create breakthroughs in helping the world meet the food demands of the future.
Agriculture Economics
The state of public agricultural R&D today
A shift in the traditional bastions of agricultural research
Sustainable Food Systems and Agriculture
Cluster Farming in Agriculture
Agriculture in Fragile States
Agriculture Production
Integrated Management of Soil Fertility
The benefits of Technology in Agriculture
AR&D in fighting poverty and Hunger in Africa
Agroecology systems in Agriculture
Agriculture Research
Čini se da su poljoprivredna istraživanja najstariji oblik organizovanog istraživanja na svijetu. Poljoprivredno istraživanje se može široko definisati kao svaka istraživačka aktivnost koja ima za cilj poboljšanje produktivnosti i kvaliteta usjeva njihovim genetskim poboljšanjem, boljom zaštitom bilja, navodnjavanjem, metodama skladištenja, mehanizacijom farme, efikasnim marketingom i boljim upravljanjem resursima.
Kvantitativno istraživanje
Ovo je čin prikupljanja i analize numeričkih podataka za testiranje hipoteze, predviđanja ili pronalaženje obrazaca. Takvi podaci mogu biti predstavljeni u tabelama, grafikonima ili grafikonima.
Važnost kvantitativnih istraživanja za poljoprivredu i ribarstvo ne može se prenaglasiti jer je korisna u pronalaženju obrazaca bolesti u usjevima, eliminaciji tih prijetnji i sprječavanju njihovog pojavljivanja u budućnosti.
Napredak kroz istraživanje
Sve u svemu, budućnost poljoprivrede je svijetla.
Podstičemo više ulaganja u poljoprivredna istraživanja, uz pomoć poljoprivrednih istraživanja i kontinuiranog testiranja, može se očekivati poboljšanje životnog standarda koji danas uživamo.
Imunizacija životinja — Istorijski gledano, bolesti su bile razorne za preduzeća za proizvodnju stoke. Uvođenje vakcina i lijekova poboljšalo je zdravlje stoke. Imunizacija životinja, proces davanja otpornosti životinja na bolesti putem vakcinacije ili inokulacije, smanjio je bolesti. Životinje u okruženju bez bolesti mogu se uzgajati uz mnogo niže troškove za proizvođače, a uštede se prenose na potrošače.
Umjetna oplodnja— Superiorne životinje su proizvodi superiornih roditelja. Vještačka oplodnja je stavljanje sjemena u ženski reproduktivni trakt umjetnim tehnikama. Uvođenjem umjetne oplodnje, prijenos gena sa superiornog oca, odnosno muškog roditelja, dramatično se povećao. Kroz moderne tehnike sakupljanja, skladištenja i distribucije sjemena, gotovo svaki proizvođač može imati pristup najboljim genima u industriji .
Biološka kontrola— Štetočine uvelike smanjuju poljoprivrednu produktivnost. Jedno od načina suzbijanja štetočina je biološka kontrola. Neke metode suzbijanja štetočina putem biološke kontrole uključuju grabežljive insekte, bakterije, gljivice i viruse. Uvođenje parazitskih osa u okruženje staklenika radi suzbijanja bijele mušice primjer je biološke kontrole. Odrasle ose polažu jaja na larve bijele muhe. Kada se jaja izlegu, larve osa proždiru larve bijele muhe. Drugi primjer je upotreba bakterije Bacillus thurengiensis za suzbijanje štetočina insekata na ratarskim i povrtarskim kulturama.
Specijalizovana proizvodnja usjeva— Istraživači rade na razvoju usjeva koji su specijalizirani za određene komercijalne svrhe. Primjeri uključuju usjeve sa specifičnim osobinama, kao što su visoki sadržaj proteina, ulja ili škroba. Neki hibridi kukuruza razvijeni su posebno za proizvodnju etanola. Osim toga, radi se na proizvodnji usjeva veće nutritivne vrijednosti.
Precizne tehnologije— Globalni sistem pozicioniranja (GPS), geografski informacioni sistemi (GIS), mikroračunari i kontroleri mašina su precizne tehnologije koje su poboljšale efikasnost poljoprivrede.
Sateliti koji kruže oko Zemlje povezani su sa zemaljskim prijemnikom na polju ili na opremi. Sistem locira tačne tačke na GIS mrežnim kartama za kontrolu operacija mašina na terenu. Ova tehnologija je posebno korisna za nanošenje đubriva i dobijanje podataka o žetvi
Naša poljoprivredna istraživanja nastoje otkriti postupke koji će povećati prinose stoke i usjeva, poboljšati produktivnost poljoprivrednog zemljišta, smanjiti gubitak zbog bolesti i insekata, razviti efikasniju opremu i povećati ukupni kvalitet hrane. Istraživači traže načine da povećaju profit poljoprivrednika i zaštite okoliš.